

Our 膀胱癌 Program provides innovative treatments and world-class care. 欲了解更多信息,请与癌症护理专家联系 310-794-7700.


的 UCLA 膀胱癌 Program offers a variety of innovative treatment options to patients who have been diagnosed with bladder cancer, 包括标准, 微创和机器人辅助手术, 还有临床试验. Treatment plans are individualized to each patient’s cancer grade and stage as well as current state of health. 此外, bladder cancer treatment options vary depending on whether the cancer is non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) or muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC).

的 UCLA 膀胱癌 Program providers are leaders in the field for the treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), 提供:

  • An integrated clinic with medical oncology to provide neoadjuvant chemotherapy or immunotherapy
  • A history of coordinating with medical oncologists, even for patients living out of the area
  • Expertise in robot-assisted laparoscopic robotic surgery in bladder cancer surgery and urinary diversion
  • 创新的尿分流方案
  • A vast array of clinical trials for patients with metastatic recurrences that can provide durable long-term responses.


  • 经尿道膀胱肿瘤切除术(TURBT) - Initial staging and treatment of bladder cancer is performed by TURBT to determine the depth with which the tumor has invaded the bladder wall. 这可能是早期肿瘤唯一的初始治疗方法.
  • 膀胱内药物治疗(化疗、免疫治疗、卡介苗治疗) - TURBT术后通常采用膀胱内药物治疗, in which medications are placed into the bladder through a urethral catheter, 包括卡介苗治疗膀胱癌, 丝裂霉素C, 和α干扰素.
  • 积极监测 -针对适当选择的患者, a specific active surveillance protocol can be implemented that includes intervals of cystoscopy, 尿样和可能的其他放射检查.


  • 开放性根治性膀胱切除术
  • 机器人根治性膀胱切除术 -机器人辅助, 微创膀胱切除术, may be the optimal treatment for bladder cancer for aggressive or recurrent disease. 的 surgery typically includes removal of the surrounding pelvic lymph nodes. Often, the urinary diversion can also be completed robot-assisted laparoscopically.


  • 泌尿 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校是泌尿道重建领域的创新者. In selected patients, a portion of the intestines is used to create a new bladder or neo-bladder. 的 ureters are joined to one end of the neo-bladder and the other end is connected to the remaining portion of the urethra. 的 new bladder is constructed in such a way that it will provide a reservoir to store urine and control urine flow. 
  • 大陆转移 -如果尿道与癌症有关, it will need to be removed and some patients may benefit from creating a 大陆转移, where one end of the new bladder will be brought out to the side of the abdomen to create a stoma without the use of an appliance bag. A small catheter is then passed through the stoma to drain out the urine and empty the new bladder 4 to 6 times a day.
  • 回肠导管 -一些病人通过创建一个更简单的 回肠导管. This is created using a shorter portion of intestine between the ureters to a stoma connected to the side of the abdomen. It acts as a funnel to drain urine from the kidneys to an appliance bag attached to the patient’s skin. 它需要一个造口袋, but is a shorter and simpler operation with the least chance of post-operative or long-term complications.

Radiation Preservation 的rapy for 膀胱癌 uses preservation techniques that may require patients to have both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Cases are discussed in a multidisciplinary fashion with radiation oncology, medical oncology and urology physicians to provide an integrated and comprehensive treatment plan for our patients.


Urothelial cancer is a cancer that develops in the lining of the urinary system.  而大多数尿路上皮癌出现在膀胱, upper tract urothelial cancers (UTUCs) develop in the lining of the kidney (renal pelvis) or the ureter (tube that connects the kidney to the bladder).  UTUC可阻塞输尿管或肾脏, 导致肿胀, 部分患者的感染和肾功能损害. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校 we offer Jelmyto (mitomycin biogel), a non-surgical therapy approved by the U.S. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)用于治疗低度UTUC. Many of the initial studies for Jelmyto that led to the FDA approval were developed at UCLA.


的  皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校泌尿生殖系统癌遗传风险评估项目 focuses on investigation into the potential genetic causes of an individual's urologic cancer. 高达5-10%的癌症与遗传易感性有关.  如果你被诊断患有泌尿系统癌, UCLA's team has specific referral criteria to determine if you should pursue genetic risk assessment to evaluate for a genetic cause of cancer. 对于那些风险最大的人, often this knowledge can more precisely tailor a treatment plan that is optimal for you.


Radical cystectomy is a major surgical procedure and often patients with bladder cancer are in an age group with other medical problems. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校, 我们有一个很好的支持结构来帮助病人, 在, 在你手术之后. 除了我们的手术团队, an internal medicine hospitalist service routinely follows all our bladder cancer patients after surgery and is available to see patients before surgery to get acquainted with some of our more complicated cases. 我们的病房和重症监护室有训练有素的护士, 还有一个由麻醉师领导的疼痛服务小组, 气孔的护士, 社会工作者, 物理治疗师, 和营养学家. 还有其他支持服务可以通过 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康约翰逊综合癌症中心,以及 Simms Mann,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校综合肿瘤学中心.